Sunday 15 December 2013

A few more crossed off.

13. Have a HUGE water balloon fight and 132. Have a silly string fight.
I'm not too sure when this was, but my two friends and I went swimming and ended up having a water balloon fight and a silly string fight. Not much to say other than it was fun being able to throw things at people without it being frowned upon.

55. Buy a homeless person a meal.
On my way back from school, I gave roasted casava (Kind of like a potato) to a little kid on the street. She was very thankful :)

191. Listen to a song 500 times on iTunes.
Not sure if I should be proud or ashamed of this. Needless to say, I absolutely love this song.

Sunday 8 December 2013


So, it's coming to the end of the year now and I need to re-evaluate if I can actually finish this list. I was going through it and I noticed a few that I couldn't really do. The main reason would be that I was anticipating that I would do these in England, during summer. But now that I am back home, I can't really do them. 
15. Buy a pair of toms
16. Buy a pair of vans
80. Go through a drive through on foot. 
100.  Buy a supply of lip smackers
101. Empty a gum ball machine
144. Make/buy a flower wreath and wear it for a day.
145. Buy a snapback.
146. Buy something really nice from a charity shop.
178. Go to M&M World.

I'm going to set these apart and hopefully add them to my next years bucket list. :) 

A few more to cross off.

I've only got 23 days left of 2013 and I have only done about 30% of it. Better get cracking.

35. Cover my walls with lights, pictures and lyrics.
I didn't go to school on Monday and I was really bored. I got my old pictures out, found some christmas lights and printed out some of my favourite lyrics and quotes. Unfortunately, I can't show you pictures because my phone was stolen and the camera has problems because it's donkeys years old now. I'll try and find a means of showing you some pics.

58. Hit a bulls eye on a dart board.
Yesterday, we held our annual christmas fair at school. My club had a stand and we were selling Mocktails and people had to play darts to win sweets. I might have gotten a bit distracted and started playing by myself. Needless to say that I hit a bulls eye :D

92. Be Tumblr Famous.
The other day, one of my friends discovered my Tumblr and asked ho my followers I had. I told him that I had about 670 followers and he replied "You're practically Tumblr famous!" I was quite chuffed. I also realise that people have different 'standards' shall we say and I am over the moon that 670 people from all across the world want to be subscribed to me and I love them all dearly for that.

128. Buy an ice-cream from an ice-cream stand.
I was walking back from my French tuitions and it was a really hot day, so I decided to get an ice cream. Yummm :)

193. Learn how to juggle. 

Saturday 2 November 2013

On a role..

47. Go up the down escalator.
Well, I kinda cheated on this one. The escalators were out of service so I just went up the (not moving) down escalator. :P

133. Make Smores.

A couple of weeks ago, a couple of friends and I went over our friends house. They a barbecue for dinner so we made smores. And they were goood. :)

166. Watch a sunrise.
I was sleeping over at my friends house last night and I also lost my phone. I couldn't sleep because I was so paranoid so I got the chance to see the sunrise. Best part, her house overlooks the creek so it was so beautiful. Worst part, didn't have my phone to take a photo :( 
Hope I find it. Ekk

Monday 21 October 2013

A little update :)

26. Colour a colouring book cover to cover.
I'm on half term at the moment and a bit bored. I decided to get my colouring book out and I was so bored that I finished it all. Particularly one my favourite things I have done on the list because it is such a simple act of innocence that is underrated. I got time to think about things and regain some of my childhood. My favourites:

65. Get a tattoo.
So my mum said I could get a permanent tattoo, but my dad said no. Now I have to wait till I am 17 to get one :( But, I got a bit crafty and have some hena tattoo's. ;)

84. Get a Pen Pal.
I joined InterPals and started talking to a couple of people. I have already had a lovely conversation with a girl from UK. Looking forward to making some new friends :)
Go sign up -

103. Finger Paint / 32. Create a masterpiece of art.
As I said before, I was a bit bored today. I decided to get out my paints and have some fun.

121. Watch a foreign film.
This is an absolutely brilliant film. I can actually say that reading French subtitles for the entire film was worth it without a doubt. I was such a fresh film and some current films are nothing compared.
The movie is about a 10 year old girl called Laure who moves to a new neighbourhood and dresses up as a boy and introduces herself as Mickäel. I don't want to give much away but it is so true to heart and just lovely. Such a great cast and wonderful performances from all, especially from the younger ones.
I can recommend this film to everyone reading and I hope you love this movie as much as I do.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Follow me on Bloglovin'

Hey Guys :)

Just to let you know you can follow this blog through Bloglovin'. I'm sure some of you already know of it and how to use it, but for those don't:
1. Visit and sign up through email or facebook
2. In the top right had corner, there is a search bar. Just search for the url of the blog (
3. Finally, just click the "Follow" button.

That's it, three simple steps to keep up with all the fun.
Have a nice day,
Sarah :) x

Monday 7 October 2013

A few more things done..

54. Climb a mountain.

For a school bonding trip, we went to Mt. Kisagau. We did a lot of other fun activities but the main part of the trip was climbing the mountain. I found it really hard when we were just walking uphill but when we were climbing when it got really steep I was a champ. A few of my peers found it difficult to make it, but we all worked really well together and helped each other. 

115. Exercise More.
Every Friday, a couple of my friends go to the gym at our school. I normally do a lot of running and do some weights as well. It's a start to no. 6 on the list (Get my Perfect Body). Just have to fix my diet. 

168. Save a life.
Today, in school my friends and I found four baby kittens, must have been a week old that were abandoned by their mother. My friend took two of them home and is going to find homes for them and another friend and I took the other two to the local animal shelter.